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Britain's Got Talent Wiki

The Tenth Episode of the Eleventh series of Britain’s Got Talent. This episode was the Third Semi-Final of the Series. 2 acts moved on and 6 acts were eliminated.

Episode 1109
Episode 1110
Episode 1111


Name Act David Alesha Amanda Simon
Josephine Lee Magician Ovation
The London School of Bollywood Bollywood Dance Group
Martin & Faye Singing Duo
Ned Woodman Comedian Ovation
Jay Wynn Variety Act No No
Sarah Ikumu Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
David Geaney Tap Dancer
Tokio Myers Pianist Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation


Eliminated (3rd)/Wildcard
Moved On (Runner-Up)
Moved On (Semi-Final Winner)

Bottom 5[]

Jay Wynn

Jay Wynn - 8th Place.

David Geaney

David Geaney - 7th Place.

The London School of Bollywood

The London School Of Bollywood - 6th Place

Martin & Faye

Martin & Faye - 5th Place

Josephine Lee

Josephine Lee - 4th Place

Top 3 Results[]

Ned Woodman

Ned Woodman

Sarah Ikumu

Sarah Ikumu

Tokio Myers

Tokio Myers


  • This is the only Semi-Final where a solo act stood on the staircase during the results.