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Britain's Got Talent Wiki
James Stott

James Stott is an extreme magic act who made the Semi-Finals during Series 14 of Britain's Got Talent. He is an ex-marine who served in the military for 15 years, and lives in North Yorkshire.

Before his performance, he stated that his reason for auditioning was to 'see how far I can push this'. When asked whether it was more dangerous for him or the Judges, he simply replied 'it's more dangerous for us'.

Stott began by making the Judges aware of six numbered paper bags on the panel. He asked Simon to pick a tag between 1 and 6, and then place a commando dagger under the bag corresponding to the number on the tag, without Stott looking. Stott then proceeded to crush the remaining five bags with his hand. He then made the audience aware of five plungers, and five boxes containing explosives, asking Simon to pull one of the plungers to express the danger of the situation. He then asked Simon to pick one box; Stott then pulled the explosive out of the box and held it in his hand, asking Simon to choose two other plungers and pull them, causing two other boxes to explode. When Simon chose the third plunger, Stott put the explosive he was holding back in the box, picked up the remaining explosive and held it in his mouth. Simon then pulled his chosen plunger, causing the explosive Stott was previously holding to detonate. Finally, Stott put the explosive he was holding back in its box and asked Simon to pull the plunger in order to prove that that too was explosive. Simon described the act as 'amazing', adding 'your showmanship was incredible'. David added 'you packed so much drama into your time on stage ... we are never going to forget this'.

Stott presented his Semi-Final performance from within one of 5 numbered boxes, each of which had a 5-ton weight positioned above it. Each Judge was asked to select a coloured card held by an assistant, and drop the weight given by the number on the card. Stott was in the final box, and revealed that the order in which the weights were dropped (3,1,5,2,4) matched the number of his grandfather's dogtag, which was located hung upon the top right hand corner of an image of his grandfather, which had both been upon the stage since the beginning of the performance. Alesha remarked that 'the presentation of this act was pretty much perfect', with Ashley adding 'My favourite magic acts are ones that don't feel like magic [and] inspire some kind of emotion and with this there was just a lot of suspense [and] it was presented really well, I was on the edge of my seat and I can't wait to see what you do if you go forward'.

After BGT[]

Later in 2020, Stott auditioned for Italian competition series Tu si que vales however he failed to reach the following round.[1]
